clay, clay, clay! yours truly has a clay fetish that drives her through May in a very positive, embracing, warm self.
So kids, what have we learned these last two weeks of Monte Carlo and Barcelona/Munich?
- Nadal, a clay centurion, looks right about unbeatable on clay this season.
- Federer has yet ANOTHER 1-up on Nadal (Monte Carlo final) yet chose to give into instinct and CHOKE in typical clay-finalesque fashion.
- Marat got to a quarterfinal! yaaaaay!
- Gasquet lost to rising-lone-star Sam Querry, in a very disappointing showing. Querry, after years of underperforming on the Big-Boy circuit, might be showing signs of fitting in. With the stagnant state of american tennis (that kinda sorta' gave up growing with the Willamses and Roddick) might have a new star.
- Federer's new coach Higueras, the dude who saw the likes of Chang and Connors lift the French, seemed to have affected our Swiss the first 5 days of MC. But its amazing how, when facing Rafa on a red floor, Federer seems to lose all hope/belief that he can possibly win. Thats the only thing keeping him back now: this mental block that has him convinced that Rafa's "got his number" on clay. And sadly, the block strengthens with each passing lost. As much as i think the GOAT deserves a french, i highly highly doubt he's getting one this year. Unless a miracle happens.
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